

Bringing together the essential elements of Planning, Evaluation, Design and Training under one seamless management structure.


5 Day Basic Investigation Course

Date: TBD

8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Location: NESPIN, 124 Grove St. suit #105, Franklin, MA 02038

*Police Departments should email or call for an Invoice.

Course Objectives:

Day 1: Initial response, managing and processing a crime scene. Managing a wide
variety of criminal investigations. Interview and interrogation of witnesses and suspects
along with Massachusetts case law and a case Study, identification procedure.

Day 2: Search warrants, legal issues. Data base searches and social media.

Day: 3 Cybercrime investigations and Open Source Investigations.

Day 4: Forensics and crime scene processing.

Day 5: Crime Scene Practicum. Officers/Detectives will process a crime scene from initial
response to photographing, sketching, marking, and collecting evidence.

Department Cameras are required for the practicum!

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Two Day - Homicide Investigation Course

Date: TBD

Location: NESPIN: 124 Grove St., Franklin, MA 02038

8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

*Police Departments should call or email for an Invoice.

Course Objectives: 

* Responding to scene: Police Officers respond to crime scenes many times throughout their
careers. None are more important than those involving a homicide or death investigation.

*This section will provide classroom participants an understanding of the scene from notification, initial actions, documentation, scene perimeter and security.

*Supervisors at Scenes: Responding Patrol Supervisors are the first supervisors on scene and are responsible for establishing a perimeter and supervising the initial actions taken.

* Homicide Detectives: Preliminary evaluation, crime scene processing, initial investigation,
witness interviews and management. Search warrants, witness management from Grand Jury to Trial.

* Homicide Investigation: Participants will gain an understanding though case studies as to the
multifaceted approach from witness and suspect interviews, forensic reviews, autopsies, cell
phones and private and public video systems.

* Surviving Families & Witness of Homicide Resources:
Government resources, clinical counseling and community trauma support.

* Course will also
focus on working with community support organizations and groups.

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Supervision and Leadership of Police Personnel

Date: TBD

8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Location: 124 Grove St. suite #105, Franklin, MA 02038

* Police Departments should call or email for Invoice.

Course Objectives:

This course will provide Officers and Supervisors with an overview of supervising police personnel and providing leadership in todays policing environment. Participants will learn about:

*  Lessons on Leadership

* Managing a Multi- Generational Workforce

* Adaptive Change

* Effective Discipline

* Leadership and Union Relationship

* Effective Communication

* Case Studies - Boston Marathon - Retired Commissioner William Evans

* Supervisors’ roles in achieving the Department goals.

* Empowering Employees to Succeed

* Community Engagement - Retired Commissioner William Gross

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