For: Police Officers, Supervisors and Detectives.
Course Duration: 5 Day Course
Course Date: TBD
Course Location: NESPIN 124 Grove St. suite 105, Franklin, MA 02038
Day 1: Initial response, managing and processing a crime scene. Managing a wide variety of criminal investigations. Interview and interrogation of witnesses and suspects along with Massachusetts case law as well as identification procedures.
2: Search warrants, legal issues. Data base searches and social media.
Day: 3 Cybercrime and Open Source investigations.
Day 4: Forensics and crime scene processing.
Day 5: Crime Scene Practicum. Officers/Detectives will process a crime scene from initial response to photographing, sketching, marking, and collecting evidence.
Department Camera and Crime Scene kit required.
Department Camera and Crime Scene kit required. We will have multiple mock crime scenes to process.